all postcodes in L12 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L12 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L12 7HA 0 53.430599 -2.92206
L12 7HB 0 53.430898 -2.920666
L12 7HD 0 53.430795 -2.919957
L12 7HE 0 53.432975 -2.917008
L12 7HF 0 53.430656 -2.919352
L12 7HG 0 53.430624 -2.918839
L12 7HH 0 53.431065 -2.917554
L12 7HJ 0 53.432004 -2.92054
L12 7HL 0 53.431554 -2.92062
L12 7HN 0 53.43268 -2.921503
L12 7HP 0 53.433116 -2.92091
L12 7HQ 0 53.429747 -2.919498
L12 7HR 0 53.432966 -2.919341
L12 7HS 0 53.432774 -2.919774
L12 7HT 0 53.429959 -2.910607
L12 7HU 0 53.43038 -2.907215
L12 7HW 0 53.432422 -2.921136
L12 7HX 3 53.431345 -2.910169
L12 7HY 1 53.430839 -2.910671
L12 7HZ 5 53.430244 -2.910989